Saturday, 22 September 2012

Patrick Kalukuta Steals

Hello everyone,

Well, I will be keep it short. I really don't expect anyone to read this - but I want to use this platform as an outlet... I think it will give me closure.

I dated an asshole called Patrick Kalukuta ... and Me been in love I borrowed him over $4,000 because he was late on his rent and he lost his job. Because of him I was unable to go visit my family and even pay for school - I get paid $12 per hour while Patrick had a job earning $60,000 before he got fired. And instead of paying me back he broke up with me and cursed me out. So as a payback - I wanted everyone who google's his name to know that he is a thief and cannot be trusted.

:) I feel so much better now


  1. Girl, I understand your pain. I've gone through a similar situation with this poor excuse for a human being over 10 years ago. He convinced me to rent a car for him and he took off with it! I was a poor student at the time and was stuck with a $1500 car rental bill. Women everywhere need to be warned about this man. WOMEN, KEEP YOUR DISTANCE.

  2. He deposited numerous checks in my bank accounts over 10 years ago and they all bounced .. he pretended to be my boyfriend but only came around when he was bored or needed something. He looks to profit from women.
    Hope he grew up since .. I was young and naive.. a student far from home at the time and had very little money . I'd pay at restaurants cuz he always had an excuse .
    Very sad because I loved him very much

  3. So sorry that you all had to go through that bad experience with this awful excuse for a human being. I met him about 8 years ago and ended up as a single parent. While he has never done anything for my child we are fortunate to not have him in our lives. It's a shame someone can treat others so badly with no remorse and continue to get away with it. But I believe in this world you reap what you sow.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hello Ladies! This is the original author of the blog.

    I'm truely surprised to see that other women have gone through similar terrible situations as myself - thank you for sharing your story.

    I have since moved on with my life and thanks to God I am doing great! I was able to save up to go see my family and complete my MBA.

    Just recently Patrick reached out to me to apologize and pay me back, but this would be the third time with no actual action.

    But I think the best part is that he has actually seen the blog and your comments. It was first discovered by a potential employer that declined to offer him a job because of the contents of the blog, then he reached out and asked that I pull it down (But obviously didn't).

    I think it's important that he sees how he has hurt people.

    I have also noticed the blog has received over 400 views! Clearly the message about Patrick Kalukuta is spreading.

    Please, for others that find this page - Share Your Story!

    I pray that he never hurts another lady.

    From a Strong Woman!

    1. Thanks for the update strong woman and thanks for creating this blog . I saw Mr. Kalukuta today leisurely walking with a small child and his mother on the streets of Toronto without a care in the world. I was too caught off guard to publicly shame him about not doing the right thing by the child he helped to create but I am glad that this site is potentially helping others to see what a morally corrupt individual he is.

  6. he check in one of the hotel in toronto and i think he beat up a woman inside the room 'cause i heard the woman cried and kept on saying STOP, he and his loser friend (another man) leave the room so MESSY and smelly. toke pictures of everything, my concern is the WOMAn i really don't care about the room i get paid overtime for doing it...i hope the company he work for will take precaution hiring this guy and woman will be careful with this loser...there's a natural law of karma that vindictive people, who go out of their way to hurt others we end up broke and NOTHING
